CancelUpdate Method


Cancels any changes made to the current or new row of a Recordset object, or the Fields collection of a Record object, before calling the Update method.






Use the CancelUpdate method to cancel any changes made to the current row or to discard a newly added row. You cannot cancel changes to the current row or a new row after you call the Update method, unless the changes are either part of a transaction that you can roll back with the RollbackTrans method, or part of a batch update. In the case of a batch update, you can cancel the Update with the CancelUpdate or CancelBatch method.

If you are adding a new row when you call the CancelUpdate method, the current row becomes the row that was current before the AddNew call.

If you have not changed the current row or added a new row, calling the CancelUpdate method generates an error.


The CancelUpdate method cancels any pending insertions or deletions of Field objects, and cancels pending updates of existing fields and restores them to their original values. The Status property of all fields in the Fields collection is set to adFieldOK.